Flow Cytometry for Cell Cycle

If cells are treated with something, the easiest thing to observe is whether it kills the cells or not, however, lots of treatments -especially the most interesting ones- likely have sub-lethal effects on cells that aren’t as simple to quantify.

Observing cell cycling in a cell line is an excellent- and relatively easy- way to check whether a condition impacts mitosis. Established cell lines growing well will have constant proportions of cells in the G0/G1-, S-, and G2-phases. This occurs naturally because all of the cells are genetically identical and live in the same conditions.

These sub-lethal changes in these conditions could lead to a number of concomitant adjustments as the cells react to the stimulus. Cells might turn genes on, turn genes off, secrete substances into the environment, or adjust surface receptor proteins. Or, they might just adjust their rate of mitosis, resulting in more or fewer cells in each stage.

Observing these changes can be easily done with a number of DNA dyes such as propidium iodide (PI). This chemical binds to DNA and fluoresces a red color at 636 nm, when stimulated by light at 493 nm (such as a blue laser in a flow cytometer). Because cell-cycle is defined by DNA content, the various phases can be distinguished by the amount of dye bound to each cell.

Imagine one cell taking up PI and then being analyzed by a flow cytometer. As the cell passes through the flow cell, it is struck by the laser and any PI within it fluoresces. Imagine the cell is in G1-phase (just after mitosis) and has chromosomes each including only one copy of the DNA ( i.e., one chromatid, see below on left). It fluoresces with an intensity consistent with the amount of PI staining that DNA. Now a second cell in G2-phase passes through the flow cell. It has twice the amount of DNA because the DNA in each chromosome has been copied and now contains two chromatids (see below on the right).

Here, it is important to note that the actual amount it fluoresces is arbitrary, i.e., it is dependent on the size of that organism’s genome. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes of various lengths, and Mendel’s pea plants have 7 pairs of chromosomes of various lengths. Therefore, the amount of DNA in a pea plant is therefore only about 1/3 of that in a human cell. However, we aren’t comparing cells from a pea plant to cells from a human, we’re only comparing cells from a human in a given cell cycle stage to other cells from a human in a given cell cycle stage. In cells going through cycling, each cell has twice as much DNA after passing through the ‘S’ Synthesis phase.

If these two cells are placed, according to their DNA content on an X axis, we see that cell 2 has twice the content.

When we do these analyses, we typically look at hundreds of thousands of cells at a time, so rather than seeing individual cells along this axis, we see many cells, where we can imagine them piling up atop one another at each stage.

Sometimes we might also catch cells in the midst of the S-phase, where they can have variable amounts of DNA depending on when in the S-phase we caught them. Here, an S-phase cell is pictured in red.

Now, we can clearly see that the tall column of cells on the left is G0/G1-phase, the shorter column on the right is G2-phase and the cells between them are in S-phase. Furthermore, a shape is emerging.

The shape to the right is very typical of cells in a normal culture. If a stimulus is added to stop cell cycle before S-phase, cells would pile up in G0/G1 as all the previously cycling cells passed through S and G2 (below only a small number of cells remain in G2, while cells in S-phase are entirely missing).

The example below from Prabha, Nagaram & Sannasimuthu, Anbazahan & Kumaresan, Venkatesh & Elumalai, Preetham & Arockiaraj, Jesu. (2020). “Intensifying the Anticancer Potential of Cationic Peptide Derived from Serine Threonine Protein Kinase of Teleost by Tagging with Oligo Tryptophan.” International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics. 26. 10.1007/s10989-019-09817-3. shows what it might look like if cells are blocked from progressing out of G2 through mitosis.

In addition to cell cycling, it is also possible to visualize cells with less than the G1 amount of DNA. These cells are likely undergoing apoptosis (controlled cell death). In the example below, taken from Biesiekierski, Arne & Li, Yuncang & Xiao, Yin & Wen, Cuie. (2018). “Assessing the biocomptibility of biomaterials; A critical review of current in vitro toxicity assays, their advantages and limitations,” a new peak appears on the left representing these apoptotic cells. Further, the Y-axis illustrates how the number of cells in the remaining phases is greatly diminished as cells die.

As with any experiment, it is important to have controls so the shapes can be compared, but otherwise, it is a simple task to perform with relatively clear results.

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Posted by on September 25, 2023 in Uncategorized


Antibody structure (the basics)

The other day in my Molecular Class, we spoke about antibodies and their utility in immunoprecipitation assays. It’s useful to have a good mental model for what antibodies look like (in general). The simplest representation of an antibody is this:

This is a single antibody, aka an immunoglobulin, or ‘Ig’ as they are named for the large family of molecules they belong to that share a common immunoglobulin domain structure. There are a number of different kinds of antibodies, but we most often use an IgG to represent a generic antibody as they are the most numerous class of antibody found in our blood.

Human antibodies are made up of two types of chains, two heavy chains and two light chains. The heavy chain has a mass of 50 kDaltons (kDa); the light chain has a mass of 25 kDa. If we were to run a gel of IgG molecules under standard (reducing) conditions, it would look like the ‘IgG, reduced’ lane below. The heavy chains all run together forming a band at 50kDa and the light chains run together forming a band at 25kDa. We can identify these masses using the known masses of the proteins in the molecular weight standards lane, which act as references for us.

The IgG non-reduced sample is an example of what happens when you don’t use a reducing agent such as DTT to break cysteine bridges. In this case, all four chains are linked revealing a 150kDa protein, which is consistent with the structure consisting of two heavy and two light chains.

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Posted by on September 6, 2023 in Uncategorized


Extra Extra

My students know that I love horror. Especially horror films, in particular – and there are some films that I get obsessed with from time to time. My students know this because I let my love of horror bleed into my work and it can show up as decorations in my office, in the films I talk about before classes start, but most importantly in extra credit questions that I love to use to lighten the mood in exams and quizzes.

Tonight – Tuesday, September 27th, 2022, friends of mine and I will be watching and tweeting about a classic film, The Horror of Dracula (1958, available on HBOMax and Youtube) starting at 7pm Central. This is a great film, with a stellar cast including the incomparable duo of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. A must for any fan of horror or film in general.

Share tweets using the hashtag: #FullMoonFrights

Christopher Lee

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Posted by on September 27, 2022 in Uncategorized


Welcome Back

The Fall semester is getting rolling again with a new class of Biotech first-years starting my molecular class and the seniors moving into their capstone work as well as my classes on Ethical Research and Bioinformatics.

This is the time when I collect errata to include as extra credit from Supreme Court Justices to the scientists who developed our basic notions of cell theory and the central dogma to my list of essential horror films.

In an effort to make these questions into a fairer opportunity to score extra points, I’m thinking of ways to balance my sources of questions. In the past, I’ve offered an array of questions across all of these genres (with an equal or greater opportunity to earn points coming from biology questions), but all questions were available to students. This year, I’m considering offering a choice of questions from which students can select from a list of say, for example, matched biology and horror questions such as the following:

Extra Credit: For each number, answer either question A or B. Circle the letter for the answer that you want to be graded (1 pt. each).

1 A. Whose postulates represent the gold standard for identifying whether a specific micro-organism causes a specific disease?

2 A. Louis Pasteur Developed the world’s third human vaccine from the dried spinal columns of infected rabbits. What disease did this vaccine protect against?

3 A. In which of the following phases is DNA replicated?

i. Anaphase

ii. M Phase

iii. Telophase

iv. S Phase

B. What horror franchise featured the ‘Tall Man’ played by Angus Scrimm?

B. Dead Alive (a.k.a. Braindead), is a film about a zombie virus introduced to Australia by a Sumatran Rat Monkey. This film was made by what, now-famous, director?

B. Which of the following actors played Freddy Krueger in the original Nightmare on Elm Street films?

i. Boris Karloff

ii. Robert Englund

iii. Peter Cushing

iv. Kane Hodder

A completely subjective list of essential horror films from which I often draw extra credit questions.

  1. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
  2. Psycho (Franchise: especially, I 1960 and II, 1983)
  3. Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
  4. Night of the Living Dead (1969), Dawn of the Dead (1978), and Day of the Dead (1985)
  5. The Shining (1980)
  6. The Exorcist (1973)
  7. The Wicker Man (1973)
  8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
  9. Jaws (1975)
  10. Carrie (1976)
  11. The Omen (1976)
  12. Halloween (1978), Halloween II (1981), and Halloween (2007 Remake)
  13. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
  14. Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986)
  15. Amityville Horror (1979)
  16. Friday the 13th (Franchise: especially I, 1980; II, 1981; III, 1982)
  17. Poltergeist (1982)
  18. The Thing (1982)
  19. Creepshow (1982)
  20. Nightmare on Elm St. (Franchise: Especially I, 1984)
  21. ReAnimator (1985)
  22. The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
  23. The Fly (1986)
  24. Evil Dead II (1987) and Army of Darkness (1992)
  25. Hellraiser (1987)
  26. Pumpkinhead (1988)
  27. Pet Sematary (1989)
  28. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  29. Scream (1996)
  30. American Psycho (2000)
  31. May (2002)
  32. The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
  33. The Babadook (2014)
  34. It Follows (2015)
  35. Get Out (2017)

There are definitely more films that I want to add here, but it’s already a longer list than I’d like.

Scientists every biology student should be aware of (Molecular Biology Edition):

  1. Gregor Mendel
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri
  4. Thomas Hunt Morgan (and Alfred Sturtevant)
  5. Reginald Punnett
  6. William Bateson
  7. Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
  8. Eduard Buchner
  9. George Beadle and Edward Tatum
  10. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
  11. Theodosius Dobzhansky
  12. Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl
  13. Erwin Chargaff
  14. Frederick Griffith
  15. Oswald Avery
  16. James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin
  17. Linus Pauling

Again, hardly an exhaustive list, but these are some who have received special mention in my Molecular class over the years.

I hope these lists and this new extra credit format work for my students and allow them to always be learning- even when it is just answering the question, “do you like scary movies?

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Posted by on September 3, 2022 in Uncategorized


This will come as a Relief to Some of my Students

Over the years, I have commonly found that about 10-20% of my students have difficulty isolating DNA from their buccal (Cheek) samples. This typically occurs when centrifugation of these isolates (even at very low speed) intended to pellet cells prior to lysis and DNA isolation, results in the immediate lysis of cells and release of DNA into the saline solution. Sometimes this goes without the student noticing or appreciating what is happening in the tube and leads to a failure to obtain any detectable (by UV) or amplifiable (by PCR) DNA in their final tube.

Just today, Dr. Jerry Coyne (Faculty at the University of Chicago, author of ‘Why Evolution is True‘ and host of a blog of the same name), reported that the buccal sample he sent to 23andMe had a similar outcome.

They write to him, “Our laboratory tried to extract DNA from your sample, but unfortunately the concentration wasn’t high enough to meet our standards. While it is uncommon, it does happen occasionally due to biological variability between people.”

I still don’t know why some individuals’ cells appear fragile in this method, but perhaps it’s not entirely unique.

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Posted by on January 11, 2022 in Uncategorized



It’s time for final exams again and this year’s extra credit theme has been the classic Alfred Hitchcock product-…

Well, let’s just let the man himself tell us.

Astute students have undoubtedly watched this film already, but in case they haven’t, this classic trailer might help motivate them.

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Posted by on December 9, 2021 in Uncategorized


It’s the end of another school year

and what can you say, but…


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Posted by on May 7, 2021 in Uncategorized


TIGAR, a p53-induced regulator of metabolism

This week in our Topics in Biotechnology course, we discussed a paper from the laboratory of Karen Vousden of the Francis Crick Institute, TIGAR, a p53-inducible regulator of glycolysis and apoptosis. I wanted to take some time to summarize the conclusions of this paper here in order to prevent any misunderstanding that might have arisen following our in-class discussion of the place of TIGAR with respect to glucose metabolism.

The body is extraordinary in its ability to maintain itself. It keeps a temperature of 37 degrees. It keeps bad stuff out and good stuff in. It has an immune system that attacks and destroys invasive viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other parasites. Cells maintain a constant pH and balance the concentrations of salts, proteins, and nutrients. All these regulatory mechanisms work together to keep us healthy and functioning properly.

One of the ways our body does this is by having our cells monitor their own health and make difficult choices when they are unhealthy. When our cells suffer damage, they work hard to repair the damage, but they also balance this against the greater good of the body as a whole. If they can repair damage, they do so, but when they can’t, cells eliminate themselves by a process called apoptosis. A central protein that controls many of these processes is the ‘guardian of the genome,’ p53.

This paper explores the role of TIGAR (Tp53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator) in modulating the pro-apoptotic effects of p53 and in reducing free radicals. Specifically, TIGAR exerts its effects by rebalancing the normal metabolism of glucose during glycolysis. This prevents further damage and also allows time for repair to occur before making a decision to terminate the cell if repair is unsuccessful.

Under normal conditions, cells take up and process glucose as a fuel for making ATP, which is used directly to power enzymes and carry out all the processes that keep us alive. As part of this process, glucose is broken down stepwise during glycolysis. Some fraction of the products of this reaction gets diverted by an enzyme called PFK-2, which makes Fructose-2,6,-bisphosphate. This sugar goes on to bind to, and activate PFK-1, which keeps the pathway flowing.

Under conditions following DNA damage, p53 will become activated and the cell will arrest glycolysis as well as any cell division while it initiates DNA repair mechanisms and acts to remediate the radical oxygen species (ROSs) that are often associated with this sort of damage.

Among the many genes that are turned on to carry out these operations is TIGAR. Bensaad et al. show that the gene for TIGAR is transcribed and translated into protein, and that protein goes on to act as an enzyme to regulate metabolism.

Specifically, TIGAR functions as an enzyme with a high degree of homology to FBPase-2, which converts Fructose-2,6,-bisphosphate to Fructose-6-phosphate. This has an important regulatory function because, as stated above, Fructose-2,6,-bisphosphate is required to activate the enzyme PFK-1, which is required for glycolysis. In the absence of Fructose-2,6,-bisphosphate, PFK-1 shuts down and the products of glycolysis start backing up.

At first, this results in a backlog of Fructose-6-phosphate. As this accumulates, it will result in the accumulation of Glucose-6-phophate. With nowhere also to go, this will be processed to 6-phosphogluconolactone, making NADPH. NADPH will then oxidize glutathione, which will break down the ROS, H2O2 to water.

With the reduction in the number of ROSs, DNA damage will cease and repair can take place, thus diverting the cell away from a pathway leading to apoptosis.

This paper represents an amazing amount of work and is nearly bulletproof in its findings. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in how DNA damage and p53 interact with metabolic pathways and how this interaction directly leads to a more complete understanding of how p53 does its job.

Five stars.

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Posted by on April 24, 2021 in Uncategorized


Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

Here is a link to an Icelandic site that is live-streaming an ongoing volcanic eruption. I just thought it was beautiful to watch geology happening in real-time and wanted to share:

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Posted by on March 20, 2021 in Uncategorized


A short post about the role of masks in horror films

This was published on my other site, 100 films in 100 days.

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Posted by on March 6, 2021 in Uncategorized